New Dimension: our best solutions for an high quality print
Offset printing global system that is involved in the whole graphic process and includes the method of photocopying, inks and high density printing. The development is achieved through four specific products, Croma® for colour printing and Deep Black® for black and white.
Colour scale of special inks for offset printing of our formulation, which allows and realises the four-colour printing creating a density comparable to the slide. It has peculiar qualities of brightness and strength and a much wider range of tones when compared to any standard product. The printed product assumes a visible difference in the colour and tone fidelity, giving to the whole volumes and depth highly noticeable. Black in particular, which is also an exclusive formula, allows unthinkable densities. It is produced in three series: glossy, semigloss and matt.
It includes a black ink for offset printing with high density features of our exclusive formula. The grey scale that is achieved increases in a decisive three-dimensional effect and in the roundness of the printed product. The process is completed with a wide range of pantons for printing in duotone, tritone, tetratone and pentatone, customizable each time. It is produced in three versions: glossy, semi-gloss and matt.
Thanks to a patient process of comparison of projects printed in the past and to work with fine art print professionals, EBS have developed a system that simulate the most common printing solutions that you would normally get in a traditional darkroom. A system that brings back the tradition of the great masters of photography and makes it applicable also to more advanced workflow with digital recording systems.
An innovative system to make the bw print a masterpiece: rich of density, details, sharpeness the new formula, invented by EBs, reproduce a normal grayscale image with 4 and more colours in order to achieve the same quality of a photographic development.
E' una proposta di valorizzazione delle fotografie antiche con un'originale tecnica di fotoriproduzione che trae ispirazione dalla Dagherrotipia.
Il risultato finale è molto particolare e può contribuire significativamente alla valorizzazione dell'immagine.