Binding Factory
We work for the highest quality and integrity in our pre press department; an impressive high definition printing at high density, like no other.
Afterwhat we need a perfect surt that covers such a printing efforts. This is the reason why at our binding section, other than industrialized and automatic casing line as well as paperback line work stations, we added a very special and unique “out of format” department. Artists with decades of experience will be able to assist you in every single part of a required “craftmenship”, and outstanding manufacturing, that are really resembling the “state of art”. This is our department where, “tailor made” books are guaranteed, where the tradition meets our culture and creative extravaganza, for suggesting what our territory, since the Venetian Republic is showing up all its best in the made in Italy; that, we personally guarantee. We will be able to cover all of your own projects. We are so proud to tell you that, this is the place where you dreamed books, comes true.